Winter in real estate

A common denominator in plenty of conversations of late has been how winter tends to slow things down in real estate matters.

Though real estate isn’t strictly seasonal, it’s fair to say that heading into the warmer months in Australia and come December each year, there are more properties hitting the market.

Considering people tend to only list their homes for sale in Australia an average of every seven years, it makes sense that timing is critical.

If you’ve got a sparkling swimming pool in your backyard, you’re hardly going to fancy your chances when sideways rain is battering people jumping in and out of their cars at opens.

This isn’t to say that properties aren’t popping up for sale consistently, in all major cities, at any given time, because they are.

In fact, auction clearance rates for the weekend just gone were pretty interesting (Source: Rp Data, week ending Saturday 30th July 2016):

City Clearance rate total auctions RP data Auction Results Sold prior to Auction Sold at Auction Sold after auction Passed in w/drawn
Adelaide 71% 39 31 2 19 1 8 1
Brisbane 59.6% 110 47 9 18 1 19 0
Canberra 90.9% 14 11 2 6 2 1 0
Melbourne 85.9% 447 396 59 279 2 53 3
Perth 29.4% 17 17 2 3 0 12 0
Sydney 74.0% 294 235 43 130 1 46 15
Tasmania 50.0% 7 2 0 1 0 1 0

But we know that inevitably, business can slow a little for real estate agencies and the services that they use.

Rain, rain, go away
Rain, rain, go away!

So, how to make the most of these months, when your days each week may not be as jam-packed as warmer seasons? Here are some options:

1> Hit the networking events. Even if you’re a little on the shy side (doubtful, if you’re a real estate agent!), certain events in winter months can be a seriously enjoyable. And opportunities to make fresh contacts. They are almost always inside, so rain, hail or shine, you can head along and forget about the torrential rain outside. Even if you just stand around complaining about the weather together, it could be a few hours well spent.

2> Accept that this is a “quieter” period in your business year and allocate time for a holiday. Having less listings or work to oversee could mean that this is an ideal time to slip away, even if you’re still governing things from afar. It could also invigorate you for your upcoming silly season.

3> Do the opposite to the above point and come up with an action plan for a cold-weather hustle! Having time up your sleeve could be the best opportunity to do a business health check. There are a myriad of resources out there for ensuring that your business’s support systems, services and tools are currently best for you. Why not set aside half a a whole day and check in with your banking, POS systems, social media accounts and suppliers? It could mean that come spring, you and your business are feeling squeaky clean and ready for a mad summer.

4> TAX. Organise a time with your accountant and get that tax done now, so it’s not a deadline looming over you when you are really scraping for free hours. You’ll thank yourself for the foresight.

5> Make the most of the INDOORS. I’m a bit partial to winter-time for this incentive myself. We have some stunning scenery here in South Australia. But, sometimes when the cold air is making your fingers ache, these outlooks are best enjoyed from indoors, with a hot beverage in hand.

How lovely is it to warm your hands around a hot drink?!
How lovely is it to warm your hands around a hot drink?!

There are so many sublime attractions that can be enjoyed no matter what the weather brings. Some of my favourites are (specific to Adelaide):

Or, of course, find a cellar door or restaurant, preferably one with a fireplace (My favourite is d’Arenberg in McLaren Vale) and duck indoors and enjoy the winter ambience.

We are so spoilt for beautiful beaches here (Christies Beach pictured) but winter-time isn't the time for a dip!
We are so spoilt for beautiful beaches here (Christies Beach pictured) but winter-time isn’t ideal for a dip!

The great thing is, most of these places can make for a wonderfully relaxing backdrop for a business meeting, if you want to mix work with play and remain on top of your (work) game.

Save for the movies, as you really will get shushed by other people, why not get creative for your next winter-time meeting? Opt for one of the above suggested indoor spots, or a fabulous idea of your own?

Or, you can do what my daughter’s kitty does and just seek out the winter sunbeams and ride winter out:

Get the warmth wherever you can.
Get the warmth wherever you can.

If you have any other suggestions on being the winter blues and remaining proactive, let us know on Instagram or Twitter.


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