Help us help you

This post is penned by a total film tragic, so straight up apologies for the quite obvious reference. That said, this quote and its use was flooding plenty of different creative industries after the 1996 film in which it was featured. We just thought it was time to bring it up again.

Yep, we are referring to Jerry Maguire’s spiel to Rod Tidwell. (See below, if you need a refresher. Note, all Copyright of clip remains with owners/proprietors of the original film.)

Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t in the habit of ranting at our clients, or bothering them whilst they are attempting to dress. And we pride ourselves on our really positive relationships with all of our clients.

When you communicate with a client purely via Emoji, that’s when you know you’ve built up a solid working relationship!

But what we love about this “help me help you” ethos is that in the marketing world it’s easy for pressures and strains to compete to get in the way of taking a deep breath and going back to basics.

Asking the really simple (seriously, very simple) questions of a client at the beginning of a brief, we have found anyway, have ensured that we are providing the best possible service (read: help) that we can.

Questions such as:

  • Who are you trying to reach with this?
  • Do you have any documentation that can give us a unique insight? (For example, vendor’s statements about what they love about their home, why they first built in the area, etc..)
  • When do you plan on publishing this and/or having your other material complete?
  • Can you describe your ideal “buyer”, who would read this copy and be enticed to pick up the phone and call you?
  • Can you cite an example of a listing/catch-phrase/campaign you’ve seen recently that has sparked your interest and what did you love about it?

We have found that when providing our service for the first time to a client, whether they are an agent from a boutique agency, or someone from a powerhouse agency, questions like these help so much.

All it takes is this initial ten-minute or so conversation and we are in the best possible situation to help and to produce something tailored, unique and exactly what is required by the client. As a result of them helping us. Win-win!

It can also save a stream of emails back and forth following a brief, which may be a hindrance on time, on both ends.

So whether you’re a copywriter reading this, or a business owner/agent/agency who currently outsources to writers such as us, it’s a good little tagline to embed in your brain for the day.

help me help you

Simple right? But effective! Have any other tips for that first efficient, effective copywriting briefing? We would love to hear them.

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Propinwhat? How to build trust with vendors

building trust

We’re entering an age where digital marketing has become one of the most powerful tools in the sales toolkit…and yet where are the real estate agents?  In our business, we make it a point to follow as many Australian real estate agencies and businesses on Twitter as we can, and the number of times we’ve searched for a name only to find that the agent doesn’t have an account astounds us.  We know it’s a busy industry, and taking the time to develop a social media presence can feel overwhelming, but if you don’t, you’re missing out on more than the opportunity to share an Instagrammed brunch.  You’re missing out on sales.

hand and phone

There’s a concept you should understand, taken from social psychology, which is known as propinquity.  It refers to way that physical or psychological nearness between two people leads to a closer relationship.   The co-worker you see every day, your neighbours, the other parents around the school gate; by making contact regularly, and passing the time of day, you develop close, meaningful bonds even if you aren’t natural soulmates.

With the growth in social media, researchers have found that physical proximity isn’t the only way to develop those bonds.  Virtual propinquity also exists. 

And what on earth does that have to do with you?  Well.  Marketing and sales are all about building relationships with people.  Especially for real estate agents, who are already working against the perceptions that they are untrustworthy , building trust is a critical part of landing the listing, and it’s part of the sales process that starts well before the vendor decides to sell.

building trust

Most of a customer’s decision making process happens before he or she even speaks to you.  Whether they pick up the phone and ring your office instead of your competitors depends entirely on what they already know about your service and about you.  That’s why referrals are so powerful.

But as the Age of the Internet grinds steadily across the horizon, the marketing landscape is changing.  More and more, vendors do their research online.  They’re not deciding that you’re the right agent for them based on their neighbour’s opinion anymore, they’re basing it on what they know of you online.  That, combined with the need to influence their decisions before they speak to you, represents an enormous opportunity.  By mapping out contact points – places where your prospective vendor is likely to go online and where you can interact with them – and then creating those interactions, you create a virtual propinquity effect.   

close kittens

That only works if the interactions are positive, of course: we don’t like everybody we see every day, after all!  But if you’re willing to create high quality branded content (you don’t have to write it yourself!) and get that content placed in places where a contact point is likely, then your prospects will start to know who you are even before they know they’re looking for an agent. And that means they’ll walk through your door first.

How and where to place that content and optimise your social media presence is a whole post on its own, so we’ll follow this one up with more details on content marketing strategy next week.  Until then, happy selling!

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Why sophisticated language sells homes

As we often tend to splash about, we really:

a) Love what we do
b) Revel in how much time we give back to real estate agents
c) Feel that fresh, colourful words are essential to selling property

To anyone who really thinks there isn’t the need for sophisticated language in real estate marketing, we would love to change your mind.

Think on it; how much work goes into the purchase of a home? Whether a property in question is targeted at investors, home-buyers, of the first or seasoned variety, so much work goes into the sale.

It’s a big deal.

Before you even get to that chapter, from a real estate agent’s perspective, you need to put your best feet forward, in a very competitive market. Designer threads, impeccable grooming and warm smiles are only a fraction of how to make a solid impression on your prospective buyers.

Compare the marketing of a property to that of well-known soft-drinks. Billions of dollars worldwide is spent every year on the marketing of these products. Products that, individually anyway, can cost as little as $1.50AU.

And all a buyer needs to do to acquire one is click a few buttons on a vending machine, insert coins, or wave a card – and the drink is theirs.

SO much simpler than the mountain of meetings, paperwork, hoops and phone-calls it takes to buy a property, right?

Not that we are strictly comparing apples with apples, but the cost of a home these days can be upwards of $300,000 and obviously way beyond. A very expensive ‘product’, a very important decision and one that requires much more of a comprehensive decision-making process than a can of Sprite.

So, why should you not invest a little in your marketing content? What you are selling is worth several hundred thousand beverages, in a competitive market. This means at the very least, the property needs to have features and benefits highlighted, in a sophisticated and direct way. Seeking some outside help (such as the likes of us ‘adladies’) is a brilliant decision.

Think of us as the people who come up with those insanely catchy, yet very precisely thought out, key words for those colourful and appealing drinks. But for property.

Sophisticated language, weaved into web titles, content for online and print marketing and even signboards for your properties allows your listings to, like you, have their very best feet forward (now there’s an image, a house with feet!).

What sounds BETTER?
– Three-bedroom home in Manly
– Seeking somewhere tasteful in Manly?

Then of course, there are real estate agents out there who love nothing more than taking the time to craft the words for their listings themselves and they do it well, time after time. Cudos to them, we love their work and some could seriously give us a run for our money in marketing content.

But if you fall into the more common category of being time-poor, or inspiration failing to strike for piecing these listings together, then we encourage you to contact us to let our sophisticated language really help you sell.

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