How to get attention in real estate marketing – light it up!

How long is the average person’s attention span?

This is what I found on Google:

How long is the average person’s attention span?
If your audience is still paying attention after the first 8 seconds, you have approximately 4 minutes and 52 seconds until their attention spans are exhausted. The average adult attention span has plummeted from 12 minutes a decade ago to just 5 minutes now, according to a article.


Wow, not long! And what has caused the plummet?

We could certainly take a wild guess. The (rising) influx of technology and tidal waves of services that are designed to make our lives easier are perhaps contributing factors. No one has any time any more.

From when we rise in the morning, until our heads hit the pillow at night, or even the early hours, we have information directed at us, choices to make and information to process.

It certainly is tiring.

When it comes to marketing, specifically real estate marketing, the key is standing out, while not demanding too much from weary home-seekers or investors.

My husband is an electrician. He has always said that lighting is everything. We’ve renovated numerous houses together and he has always done the lion’s share of the major changes, including lighting. I must say, his choices have been spot on.

Modern lighting has a way of evoking different vibes and moods, depending on the look you are going for. And is such a value-adder.

At The Property Writers, we just love fawning over a lot of the stunning lighting that we see in property photographs that come through our inboxes.

Indoor lighting, outdoor lighting – even candlelight! To be able to see anything, the first port of call for our eyeballs is processing light. Our eyes are drawn to light. It’s instinctive.

Perhaps one of the best examples of utilising lighting for advertising and marketing is Times Square in New York City. I remember I visited in 2006 (Ten years ago?! It’s been way too long between visits) and I felt just like a character in a movie. Cliche, but true. I was totally smitten as I took in the immense lit-up signs. I bet they’re even more spectacular ten years on.

Dazzling Times Square.

So it was only a matter of time until these mammoth, illuminated billboards trickled down into real estate/realty marketing.

I know they’ve been popping up all over the country lately and have been showcased at trade shows. But I must say it was a real treat to recently spot an illuminated sign at night, out the front of a property.

I spotted it whilst driving, around a week ago. It was a listing for Ray White, in Largs Bay, South Australia. And it looked magnificent!

This lit-up sign made me slow and pull in to the curb to read it.

The image and words were perfectly and crisply illuminated, the darkened street around it providing the ultimate shadowy backdrop, much like a stage.

These solar powered and otherwise real estate signboards are only going to become more prevalent and accessible – that’s our prediction.

Fast forward a year from now and I’m thinking they will be absolutely everywhere.

An image from "Digital Central", a company offering illuminated signboards. Copywright lies with Digital Central Real Estate Signage Company.
An image from “Digital Central”, a company offering illuminated signboards. Copyright lies with Digital Central Real Estate Signage Company.

It’s awesome to see the industry utilising such technology to stand out and do the absolute best for their vendors. It would be great to see costing eventually become accessible across a spectrum of price ranges.

I think these signs should capture up to the 4 minutes and 52 seconds allotted for average adult – plenty of time to note the name and number of the agent and phone them!

Does anyone else have any thoughts on these innovative signboards? Or are you a business who offers them as a service? Let us know on Instagram or Twitter.

Note: this post is NOT sponsored or endorsed by any company or business, it is our expressed view on a product and service.

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What is copywriting?

It doesn't have to be an awkward conversation when you are asked what you do!
It doesn't have to be an awkward conversation when you are asked what you do!
It doesn’t have to be an awkward conversation when you are asked what you do.

As copywriters, it’s safe to say that we’ve encountered that slightly puzzled look when we answer that question:Ladies

“What is it that you do?”

Which is completely fine, because we have been the ones who give that look, when occasionally encountering someone whose own profession is way over our own heads. But these conversations are fun to have.

I think the confusion is typically because the terms copywriter or copywriting can easily be mixed up with ‘copyright’.

To set the record straight; copyright is a form of intellectual property, so a way of publicly and legally safeguarding original creative works. Here is the wikipedia link for more clarification.

Copywriting – what we do – refers to the action itself of what our role is, but you just need to do a little switch-eroo with the wording. We write copy. And the ‘copy’ part refers to content. You’ll find the wikipedia link for copywriting here.

So… we write content!

Engaging words are SO important. Image Copyright Gary Larsen
Engaging words are SO important.
(Image Copyright Gary Larson)

We tend to go on about how much we love what we do, because that’s the truth – we do love our job. We love how we each bring different strengths to our professional partnership and we love that we have a genuine 100%, authentic belief that what we do is valid, useful and value-adding for our clients.

It’s also demanding, often performed in a high-pressure environment and each day brings variety, as well as obstacles. But we take all of that in our stride.

Another question we are often asked is:

“How do I become a copywriter?”

The answer to this isn’t very straightforward, which is also encouraging for those who seek to get started in copywriting. That’s because there is no pre-requisite for commencing a copywriting role, at least not if you work for yourself.

It's okay to have a fictitious mentor, right?
It’s okay to have a fictitious mentor, right? Image Copyright Weiner Brothers/AMC Studios.

There are so very many areas in which copywriters are required, including medical and technical copywriting and specific, strategic SEO copywriting/consulting.

Essentially, copywriters can be “hired guns” on a permanent or freelance basis, or work on retainer or salary for companies across literally hundreds of industries.

As a copywriter, you can create a business or company, based on your own strengths or interests. This would allow you to provide a specific, unique service that caters to appropriate clients, who have a use for your service. Where there is a demand and value in what you do, there is work.

We have several university degrees between us, but neither of us went to university to study copywriting.

Our work today is the result of wonderful, sometimes random opportunities, that set us on a path in which we sculpted our work to suit the real estate industry.

We would however recommend that as a writer or prospective copywriter, you engage in and join a combination of communities and support networks. So, for example, you could join your local writer’s centre and (if you’re in Australia), the Australian Writer’s Guild.

And then, the information, opportunities and support you receive from these can be complimented further by joining your local Business Network, which in our case is Business S.A.

The combination of having access to information both as a creative writer and a business owner should set you on a course of (relatively) smooth sailing as you charter the waters of content writing.

And please hit us up for advice, any time you please!

This post is not sponsored or endorsed by affiliating membership bodies, it is simply based on our own experience and preferences for running a copywriting business in Australia.

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Do one thing every day that scares you

Okay, hands up if you remember the song ‘Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen’.

Yes? No?

If you need a little reminder, or distraction, see the original music video below.

(Copyright lies with Baz Luhrmann and associated creators)

Poignant and direct, the lyrics most likely have something in there for everyone. It is a wonderfully engaging stream of advice, including being advised to floss, getting plenty of calcium, as well as remembering compliments that you receive.

One such piece of advice is

“Do one thing every day that scares you”.

This piece of wisdom was originally said by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Easier said than done, right?

But what is interesting about this, is that it can be a little more daunting applying this principle to your business and business practices.

Why is this? It’s not a rhetorical question, I really don’t know why this is!

Perhaps it is because our business or workplace and how we operate within our work can have a knock-on affect to plenty of others. Whether they are colleagues, clients or even future or prospective clients, drastic or ‘scary’ changes can cause ripples.

Whereas, making personal decisions, such as a change in hair colour or a choice in holiday destination, are less likely to offend, annoy, or upheave others.

Here at The Property Writers, we’ve had plenty of decisions to make along the way since our fruition and already in the span of a year have made changes to the way we work. Most of these changes have been overwhelmingly positive.

But have we really challenged ourselves to the extreme, or even scared ourselves? Nope, not really! The end of financial year is fast approaching and amid our meetings and talks on financials and processes and future goals, I’m going to be throwing into the mix the notion of mixing it up a bit and scaring ourselves.

This could be as simple as picking up the phone and phoning some targeted clients who have been on our wish list (so far, from afar!).

OR, utilising a social media app that has admittedly confounded us a bit until now *cough, cough*, Snapchat!

But we are going to mix it up a bit around here and scare ourselves.

After all, nothing ventured is nothing gained, right?

I have skydived before. Yes, I have jumped out of a plane, after only agreeing to do so around 4 or 5 hours beforehand. And I remember being strangely calm while doing so.

But I was reduced to a shivering, terrified mess recently in Bali. I was climbing the set of stairs, to go on a water-slide that most 12 years around me weren’t thinking twice about. This water-slide absolutely terrified me. I did go on it, after my initial almost tamper-tantrum stating that I wasn’t going to! But the prospect of jumping out of a plane from 15,000 feet was significantly less scary, for me anyway.

We all have have our ‘things’ and all have our levels of what we as individuals are comfortable with. We’re a diverse group, us human beings.

How about you? What are some things you can do within your business to scare yourselves?

Is it joining Snapchat like us? (Eek, we are so terrified!) Let us know on Instagram or Facebook!

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Why sophisticated language sells homes

As we often tend to splash about, we really:

a) Love what we do
b) Revel in how much time we give back to real estate agents
c) Feel that fresh, colourful words are essential to selling property

To anyone who really thinks there isn’t the need for sophisticated language in real estate marketing, we would love to change your mind.

Think on it; how much work goes into the purchase of a home? Whether a property in question is targeted at investors, home-buyers, of the first or seasoned variety, so much work goes into the sale.

It’s a big deal.

Before you even get to that chapter, from a real estate agent’s perspective, you need to put your best feet forward, in a very competitive market. Designer threads, impeccable grooming and warm smiles are only a fraction of how to make a solid impression on your prospective buyers.

Compare the marketing of a property to that of well-known soft-drinks. Billions of dollars worldwide is spent every year on the marketing of these products. Products that, individually anyway, can cost as little as $1.50AU.

And all a buyer needs to do to acquire one is click a few buttons on a vending machine, insert coins, or wave a card – and the drink is theirs.

SO much simpler than the mountain of meetings, paperwork, hoops and phone-calls it takes to buy a property, right?

Not that we are strictly comparing apples with apples, but the cost of a home these days can be upwards of $300,000 and obviously way beyond. A very expensive ‘product’, a very important decision and one that requires much more of a comprehensive decision-making process than a can of Sprite.

So, why should you not invest a little in your marketing content? What you are selling is worth several hundred thousand beverages, in a competitive market. This means at the very least, the property needs to have features and benefits highlighted, in a sophisticated and direct way. Seeking some outside help (such as the likes of us ‘adladies’) is a brilliant decision.

Think of us as the people who come up with those insanely catchy, yet very precisely thought out, key words for those colourful and appealing drinks. But for property.

Sophisticated language, weaved into web titles, content for online and print marketing and even signboards for your properties allows your listings to, like you, have their very best feet forward (now there’s an image, a house with feet!).

What sounds BETTER?
– Three-bedroom home in Manly
– Seeking somewhere tasteful in Manly?

Then of course, there are real estate agents out there who love nothing more than taking the time to craft the words for their listings themselves and they do it well, time after time. Cudos to them, we love their work and some could seriously give us a run for our money in marketing content.

But if you fall into the more common category of being time-poor, or inspiration failing to strike for piecing these listings together, then we encourage you to contact us to let our sophisticated language really help you sell.

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Tips for refreshing your work space in 2016

Who else is still struggling with the phrase “last year” when referring to 2015?

We welcomed 2016 with enthusiasm, cheer and a dedication to those kinds of goals that you just want to stay on track with. But it’s still a little hard to get our heads around it being 2016 just yet. We are giving ourselves until the end of January to not fumble over the phrase.

Even so, the New Year is HERE and we are thrilled when we look back on all that we achieved in 2015. One of our ‘resolutions’ is to be protective over our time, both work and leisure, this year.

More than ever we (and we know our clients are too) are feeling pulled in different directions when it comes to where we allocate our 24 hours. Everyone gets 24 hours a day, we know.

But with overwhelming, saturated inboxes with emails from every single product/service/company/brand you’ve ever shopped with, utilised or even glanced at, even sifting through emails can be a task that demands hours.

As well as the usual commitments to work/family/children/friends/exercise, people are feeling a little more frayed than ever.

And no one wants to start this year already feeling burnt out. A good remedy for not feeling overwhelmed could be as simple as a tidy-up of the space you spend most of your time in.

So, some ideas for maintaining a time-friendly office space, in no particular order:

Be rid of old technology:

cables awayWhether you work from home, on the go or in an external office, it’s important not to feel weighed down by technology. But with more and more devices and gadgets available to us, we know we are guilty of having a little build-up of things we no longer use or require. And these can add time, even if it is only minutes, to your daily life. Whether it’s having to sort through a jungle of cables that you no longer need, just to find the one charger you do require, or having to switch hard-drives, phones or tablets to access just one photo or file that you require, a build up of gadgets is draining.

So PURGE yourself of those no longer used devices and you will feel all the calmer for it.

For phones, how about helping the gorillas and recycle your no-longer-used mobile phone? Details are here: For computer technology, give this link a go for information.

Upgrade your work screen:

monitor upgradeAnother hot tip for the maximising time in the office (if you haven’t already done so) is considering adding a monitor to your desk, to plug your laptop into. Thereby, more than doubling your screen size and allowing you to expand your windows and horizons! We know, we know, this is a contradiction of the above advice to be rid of extra technology.

But consider this: Particularly when working in any industry which requires you to work with multiple programs at once, be it for bookkeeping, graphic design or our own familiar field of marketing, you spend so much time opening and closing windows and sliding across to review content. We know we do.

I picked up a second-hand monitor and cable from Gumtree (bless you, Gumtree) and now couldn’t be without it. It allows me to use my MacBook, yet also have mega-screen to keep open my work inbox, floor plan and property photos, relevant links and word processing open. ALL.AT.ONCE. Winning!

Be the boss of your snail mail:


MailboxDedicate just one day a week to being the absolutely-must-ensure-on-top-of-mail-day. Simple, but effective. You hear me? Piles of unopened envelopes not only cause physical clutter, but emotional clutter too.

You could allow yourself to sidestep and dance around the mail six days a week, if you are the ultimate procrastinator. But at least one day a week, go through it, file it, pay it, shred it, do whatever you must, but be rid of it from your space. You will feel total satisfaction once that last envelope is lifted. Make it a rule and give it a go.

Get the inspiration you need to create the space you want:

Office spaceOk, maybe it’s an excuse for a smidgen of retail therapy, but consider this. If your work space is a bit cluttered or lacklustre, there’s nothing like getting out of it and going and visiting glossy, clean, fresh home office displays. Whether they shame you into tidying yours out, or inspire you to go for a new look, it could be the best excursion you take all month!

A tidy office, with fresh, personal touches can make for a wonderful space in which you’ll be itching to get into and get productive in. Why not take advantage of all those fabulous back-to-school stationary sales that are on right now? Who said watermelon-shaped pens are just for school kids?

Or, of course, get thrifty and spend some time in opportunity-shops, or search online swap/second-hand sites. You know what they say about someone else’s trash…

Our own office rehauls have made us feel pretty fabulous. If you can’t half tell from our images above, we LOVE trawling through for inspiration We hope you enjoy making yours happen.

*Note, this is NOT a sponsored post, but just contains our own ideas and recommended online spaces.

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